Sissy Maid or Sissy Bimbo

There are so many different types, and nuances, of sissy folx. Two of the types I have enjoyed this fall, specifically last November, are the sissy maid, and the sissy bimbo. Let’s start with a brief definition of each of them. Of course, as in any attempt to define a sissy, there is a definite blurring of the lines, as there is with any human being! So this is not definitively black or white, but instead, the whole mother fluffing rainbow!  

The Sissy Maid

I expect, first and foremost, a sissy maid to be competent in housekeeping. Obviously, she can not know my preferred routine, but once that is presented to her, I expect her to be a self-starter, working competently and without direct supervision. Yes, I like to be in charge, but no, I do not enjoy micromanaging! Of course, some training may be necessary, especially if you, for example, are used to having a dishwasher, I’ll explain how to wash dishes by hand. Other than that, read the list and get it done!

A sissy maid’s duties may extend to other household tasks besides cleaning. She may be called upon to cook or to provide handmaid services such as assisting me in dressing. Running errands such as shopping may be expected. The skill level of a particular sissy shapes part of my expectations. If she can’t cook, well, then she can’t! That sort of stuff I am willing to help with by providing recipes for the sissy to perfect at home. I’m not talking about dinner party cooking here, just basic food for a person or two. Baking is not cooking, and would not be expected by someone who doesn’t already have that skill!

Sissy Fluidity

These clarifications of what a sissy maid is to me do not exclude any other agreed-upon duties or activities. Sometimes there may be things of a sexual nature that are expected of a sissy maid if we have discussed and agreed upon that. She may be called upon to serve at a house party, not only as a waitress but also as a party favor or performer.  There may be a separate sissy acting as the party favor or performer, also!  It’s all very fluid, and worked out so that everything is done in a safe, sane, and consensual way!  Your Sissy Mistress

The Sissy Bimbo

In my experience, a sissy bimbo is almost an extreme sort of gal- if she chooses to be! She may not always be, but what I have seen seems to be, if not universal, then quite common. The sissy bimbos that I am familiar with, personally, strive to be platinum blonde, with lots of fun blonde hair, big breasts, plenty of makeup, and usually dressed provocatively, if not downright slutty. 

The sissy bimbo I know best is all about sexual activities- giving and receiving whatever she can, whatever it takes to please the man of the moment- and there can be a whole bunch of moments in a row, too! She likes to dress over-the-top slutty, showing skin and cleavage, with bright red cock sucking lipstick on perfectly ( at first!), and very provocative lingerie under that slutty clothing.

 One thing I’d like to make clear- not all sissy bimbos are necessarily slutty! Some just enjoy flaunting their sexuality, and some are very devoted to one lover. See, nothing holds to a clear black-and-white definition when it comes to our sexuality here, does it?  All the colors of the rainbow, with blurring in every single color!

Can You Be Both

Some people question whether you can be both a sissy maid and a sissy bimbo. My answer is of course you can!  Even if it’s during the sissy maid part of your day, you can be sexy and over-the-top slutty! There is a time and a place for every aspect of your personality. It’s the same thing that cis women have to deal with- being fully and authentically ourselves, no matter which facet of our personality we are sharing at that particular moment. If you have trouble embracing all of who you are, we are here to help! You, my sweet sissy, will soon be on the path to embracing all of yourself, all your facets, kinks, and quirks. It will be an amazing journey, and I will be delighted to be a part of it!

My Late Gratitude

I know this post is long, but I wanted to be very sure that I made it clear that every aspect of your personality is embraced here. What brought all this to mind for me you ask? Well, in November I was ill and missed a lot of time here. I am lucky enough to have several local sissy friends, and one of them stepped in and picked up all the tasks and chores I couldn’t manage, including cooking and cleaning for me, in addition to running errands.  As much as I appreciated her being here, she felt blessed to be in a position to be fully herself. Another of my sissy friends is not as adept at household tasks and was disappointed in herself that she wasn’t really any help to me during my two illnesses. What she doesn’t realize is I also need my gals who go to clubs with me, explore bars out of town, and do slightly sketchy stuff with ( again, safe, sane, and consensually sketchy!) 


This gratitude extends to you, my sweet callers of all types, also. Without the wonderful variety you bring to my life with your stories, tales, dreams, fantasies, and even exploits, my life would be terribly dull. Not only do you check on me when I go missing without updating my calendar, but you also spoil me not only for holidays ( yes, my birthday is a holiday!) but also just because you enjoy spoiling me. 

 So, however, you label yourself, no matter how many different facets there are to your calls, kinks, or personality, I appreciate you beyond what words can say. Thank you for being part of my 2023.


Talk to you soon!

Mistress Stephanie's kinky phone sex fun.




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