Have you heard the news? Pass the Penis is the site of the month, and if you haven’t played, you are missing out! How do you play Pass the Penis? Well, you select several ladies from the main site or look at who may be available here, and when you call into dispatch you let the dispatcher know which ladies you would like to be passed around by. 

What happens during the passing of your penis? That’s individually tailored to fit your needs and desires. You can choose to have straight-up guided masturbation pass the penis session, or you can add humiliation, cuckolding, sissy training, or really any kink to the call. You just need to communicate your desires to the dispatcher as you are setting up the call.

You can also select the amount of time you wish to spend with each Mistress, whether it’s 10, 15, or even 20 minutes. Imagine the fun you can have with your favorite ladies doing what they do best with your dick! Better yet, get to know some ladies you have been wanting to interact with but have hesitated for one reason or another. Now’s the time to play with many of us new-to-you Mistresses!

Listen to what some of the ladies had to say about Pass the Penis. They are really very encouraging, aren’t they? Remember, just because it’s September’s site of the month doesn’t mean Pass the Penis will be going anywhere- we’ll pass you around all year long!


Talk to you soon!