Femdom February Continues

Just because the Femdom Mistress community is celebrating the GetGirlie Anniversary party and blog train cruise doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about some other things of note. February is a month of celebration, for sissies and Femdom Mistresses alike. One of my favorite things about February, though, is that it means Spring is just around the corner!

What does February mean to you? Well, if you are a sissy it means you can go shopping for sexy lingerie and pretend it’s a gift for someone else! As long as you know your size, you can walk right into any store that you want and go straight to the women’s section and pick out pretty much anything. If you’re an especially colorful sissy you will find lots of reds and pinks in everything from bras to panties to nighties. 

Your Femdom Mistress Insists

As a matter of fact, as your Femdom Mistress, I insist you take that step to go purchase one feminine item of clothing in the next week! If the sales clerk asks if you need help, let them know you are looking for a special item for “someone special”. Let them operate under the assumption it is for someone else if that makes you more comfortable. Just remember if they ask what size she wears you are obligated to say she is about the same size as you, that she has worn your shorts/shirt before.

Celebrate your Femdom Mistress Femdom Mistress Insists

The other thing we celebrate this month is Femdom February! It is a time to show your adoration and devotion to your favorite femdom Mistress in any number of ways, from a call to a gift card, something off her Amazon wishlist, or even a surprise Virtual Bouquet. You know I adore you even without the gifts but it is, however Valentine’s day! The main take-away from this is that your gift to me is your submission to your Femdom Mistress in whatever form that may take.

You never know what form my appreciation may take! It may be that orgasm you’ve been waiting for or the sexy picture you’ve begged for. It may even be the ruined orgasm you’ve asked about. Femdom February is an entire month of exchanging gifts, our strengths. Your gift to me may be as simple and delightful as an entire month of chastity. My gift to you may be 14 edges. Whatever you decide, know that I appreciate you more than simple words can say, and if you want to celebrate Femdom February in a way I haven’t mentioned here, all you have to do is shoot me an email with your idea, leave me a comment,  or mention it on your next call. Maybe you can be the Valentine of a Femdom Mistress this whole month!

Talk to you soon!