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Shopping Opportunities

Did you all have a good Valentines Day? Did you spoil all the women in your life? I certainly hope so! I was the lucky recipient of multiple awesome gifts, from you, friends, and family. The real question I have here, though, is did you sissy gals get your lingerie shopping done? Valentine’s Day is one of the few times you timid sissy gurls can go right into a store and pick out your size in panties, bras, or anything feminine and flirty, and walk right up to the register with it with no embarrassment.

Be Prepared

Do you already know your panty size? Your bra size?  Figure them out and go on a practice shopping trip. You can even write the information on a piece of paper, so it looks like a shopping list for someone else. Remember these things for Halloween. It’s another time of year you can venture into a store and buy anything without someone batting an eye.

Roleplay to Build Confidence

I’m a firm believer that you shouldn’t be embarrassed. It’s nobody’s business who you are shopping for when you are in a store, but I know many of you just get too nervous, thinking you have a glowing sign over your head like a sim in virtual reality games.  I really want you to take your shopping experience live, instead of always behind a screen or from a catalog. I’ve got every faith in you that if it is one of your dreams, you will work up the courage and find a way to make it happen. If you want to work on building up that confidence, give me a call and we can work together to make your sissy shopping fantasies a reality.