Panties on Parade
As you may have noticed, many of the Mistresses around the Enchantrix Empire have been holding auctions. Most recently Ms Cassidy auctioned off an awesome pair of shoes and a pretty little pair of panties and Ms Meredith had an enticingly exciting auction with multiple items going to successively higher bidders. Ms Ryan let go of an adorable pair of polka dotted peep toe pumps to one lucky bidder.
So, I knew my opportunity to share something with you was approaching faster than a cockstroker let out of chastity for an hour, and I had a decision to make…

The Hunt Begins!
Deciding What to Share
Quite a few of you knew about the auctions, and began asking me if I would auction off the peach bra and panty set I am wearing in many of my pictures. I seriously considered granting y’all that wish. Only problem was, it was a gift, and I’m kind of attached to it- so I decided no matter how badly you wanted to worship my panties, I was keeping that set. You guys know I am tall but still love to wear heels, so I thought about a pair of my sexy shoes. I decided since I don’t really do a lot of foot worship calls, that may not be your favorite thing to win.
Panties? Bra? Stockings? Lipstick? Nail Polish?
I finally decided to offer something I have probably described to you when you called. You know I am usually in shorts and a tank top of some sort, or a nightgown, so I decided a pretty nightie would be the perfect thing! Now, if you are not the sort who would want to wear a medium nightie from Victoria’s Secret, what could you possible do with such a thing? Well, you could slide the slippery fabric over your bed pillow, and lay your head there while you dream that you are resting on my breasts. You could use the panties for wrapping around your shaft to masturbate.Ideally, you will wear my panties to work, under your suit, though! You have ideas, I am sure. I’m also sure I don’t quite think I want to know about all of them!
The More You Know
So, that’s what the tease was about. I’ll be auctioning off one of my summer nighties, with its matching thong panty, very soon. I selected the white one because y’all know I am nothing if not innocent. Or, potentially I selected the white one because I like the way it glides against my skin, and I thought you would too! That may be closer to the truth! I’m pondering an incentive for the highest bidder, but I don’t want to have to do complicated math and tracking. I do know for sure every one who bids will get a never before seen picture of me emailed to them. Potentially, all I will be wearing will be a pair of panties. (yes, that means topless!!) The question is, though, if there is a battle to the top, if bidding is hot and heavy and you touch me with your avarice and generosity, do I surprise you with another article of clothing? Or some cosmetic that we could wear and match while doing so? Perhaps that will be decided before the big day. Let me hear what you think about it! Would you like something added? Stockings? Panties?
lipstick your favorite and a bra