Indulging Myself

With the start of summer vacations fast approaching the area, I’ve been giving some thought to how I can have the most fun possible with you on our erotic phone sex calls, while not being interfered with by the noises of the neighborhood or my own hedonistic tendencies to want to lounge outside every possible moment stephsunshine(ok, not totally true, you can sometimes even catch me on my knees….gardening…lol).

Playing With You

The plan I have come up with is to get up very very early (for me!) like 8-9 AM EST, and then have my morning coffee with you. Around lunch time I will take my leave, and go have some summer fun in the sun, then come back at dusk to play until bedtime. Lots of references to “bed” in this post, aren’t there?

Teasing A Bit

I suppose you will find that I more often than not will be in some form of nightie or another- because as much as I enjoy sliding between cool crisp sheets on a warm night, feeling the fabric on my soft naked skin, once I am up and about I generally throw something on to step outside and greet the day, and I certainly don’t want to scandalize the neighbors with nudity!! That may benefit us both, wouldn’t you think?
Anyway, this plan should circumvent the people who cut grass, or let their spawn play outdoors all day, and the evening cookouts the neighbors may have. I’m going to give it a shot for the rest of the month, and see how it goes! Drop me a note if you find my availability helpful, or confusing, and especially send me an email if you would like to schedule an appointment for a specific day/time, either with in or outside of my new, loosely structured schedule.