Femdom MistressMissed me? I’ve Missed you!

Hi there! I wanted to give you a quick update on your favorite femdom mistress since I’ve been away so much. I came back from the river cruise with strep throat, and it just seemed as if I wasn’t bouncing back. I’m going in Monday for more testing and hopefully will get some answers to this chronic nonsense. What is suspected in not life-threatening at all, and once I have an official diagnosis I will share it with you. I was stronger Wednesday, and hope I’ll be here Thursday.

Using My Powers for Good

I also wanted to remind you all that if you have any interest or desire to glam up or shop for some new girly clothes, we are approaching Halloween, the second sissy shopping season. This is the time you can tell people you are shopping for a costume. Just imagine me perched on your shoulder, your little femdom mistress angel, encouraging you to be brave!

Using My Femdom Mistress  Powers for Naughtiness

What’s on your wishlist as far as femme clothes? What about makeup? If you want to take the opportunity for makeup help, you can tell the lady at the makeup counter you need to be able to pull off a good look, not anything outrageous or tacky. Then you can sit down for a makeover, and a shopping spree! Tell the shoe clerk you need to get the heels so you can practice walking in them. None of these truly lies; they are just evasions and, well, not telling all your business. Whenever you get scared or nervous, remember I’m here, as your cheerleading femdom mistress. ( and remember what a strict femdom mistress I can be if you back out or don’t follow through with reaching for your goals! Sometimes I get downright bossy!)